domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

Unit 2 Landforms

Natural Hazards:

Do the activities on your notebook:
1. Look at the drawing of an earthquake and answer the questios (you can use your Spanish textbook to look for the information):
- Where are the tremors more intense?
- Where does the earthquake start?
- Can the seismic waves pass through rocks?

2.Organize the following actions into two columns:
      COLUMN A: What should you do if there is an earthquake?
      COLUMN B: What shouldn't you do if there is an earthquake?

Stay in the building
Turn of the lights
Turn off the gas and water
Move objects that might fall on you
Use the lift
Move away from the window
Leave the house if the floor start to tilt
Stay in the car if you are already in it
Use things that need lighting with matches or gas.
From Oxford CLIL. Social Sciences. ESO 1
(Adapted from page 31)


lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

Hola a tod@s . Bienvenid@s a un nuevo curso. Este blog servirá para colgar recursos, actividades, imágenes o vídeos que nos ayuden a aprender los contenidos de Ciencias Sociales en 1º de ESO. Espero que sea una herramienta muy útil.